Friday, October 24, 2014

Handling Moody & Irritated People (Overcoming Irritability Part 2)

So, in a previous blog post I shared with you how the Lord helped me recognize and overcome my irritability of others, and how it all started with loving myself. But how do I respond to others who are moody and irritated by me or others? are some thoughts.

Once I understood how my irritability stemmed from a lack of love for myself, then I was able to have grace and mercy for irritated and moody people. I began to have more of an understanding for them, instead of getting offended at them. When someone around me seemed chronically irritated or moody, my heart was moved with compassion towards them, because I recognized the root of their moodiness: self-hatred. (Read more about this in Need Help Overcoming Irritability). My reaction changed from offense to love. I began to pray that they would experience the love of God for them and learn to love themselves and see themselves how God sees them. Once you see yourself how God sees you, and you learn to love yourself, you can love others. I found the best way to help moody/irritated people, is to model the love of God and help them experience the love of God through you for them. In order to do that, you have to connect with the source of love and receive God's great love for you!

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him" 
(1 John 3:1). 

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